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Hack This Fall 2024 Recap: Journey of Innovation & Collaboration Beyond Borders



Welcome to the magical world of Hack This Fall 2024, where some beautiful folks came, hacked, and had a good time. Hack This Fall 2024 was held from 9th to 11th February 2024 at Karnavati University, Gujarat. Now, let’s dive into what this season of Hack This Fall was all about.

With its motto "Innovate For Good" serving as a north star, this 36-hour in-person hackathon was powered by partner Orkes and backed by platinum partner Vonage. It set the stage for a whirlwind of creativity and camaraderie and was a testament to the power of creativity and community. Join us as we embark on a journey to relive the highlights, delve into the daily schedules, and cherish the unforgettable moments of this extraordinary event.

A Global Phenomenon - Hack This Fall Season 4 broke new ground by bringing people from across the globe under one roof. Here's a glimpse into the diverse participation and achievements:

  • Registrations: Over 2500 enthusiasts eagerly signed up for the event, showcasing the widespread interest and enthusiasm for innovation.

  • Attendees: With a turnout exceeding 570 individuals, the hackathon buzzed with energy and excitement as participants from various backgrounds converged to exchange ideas and expertise.

  • Teams: A total of 154 teams, representing a myriad of skill sets and perspectives, embarked on the hackathon journey, each determined to make their mark in the tech world.

  • Projects: Despite the intense competition, participants showcased their creativity by developing an impressive array of 132 projects, each addressing unique challenges and pushing the boundaries of innovation.

  • Global Reach: Hailing from 113 cities across 8 countries, attendees embarked on a truly global journey, highlighting the universality of technological innovation and collaboration.

  • Mentorship: Guiding the participants through the hackathon were 20 selfless and dedicated mentors, offering invaluable insights and support to help teams navigate challenges and realize their visions.

In this dynamic environment, participants thrived and not only showcased their technical prowess but also reflected their passion for driving positive change through innovation. Hack This Fall 2024 stands as a testament to the power of collaboration, diversity, and collective ingenuity in shaping the future of technology.

Day 1: Igniting the Spark of Creativity

The excitement began with the check-in of hackers and the distribution of welcome swag kits, setting the tone for the event. Light snacks and icebreakers fostered a sense of camaraderie among participants. The event kicked off with a keynote by powered-by Orkes, followed by insightful workshops from Orkes and Vonage. The Opening Ceremony marked the official start of the hackathon, and attendees dove into hacking as the 36-hour countdown began. A dinner under the open sky provided a refreshing break, followed by a GitHub workshop and giveaways. Stroom, the nutrition partner, shared their inspiring startup journey, fueling the spirit of entrepreneurship among participants.

Day 2: Nurturing Ideas, Fostering Collaboration

The second day was filled with learning opportunities and collaborative moments. At midnight, the first mentorship round commenced, guiding participants through the ideation stage. The first checkpoint encouraged teams to add basic project details, ensuring progress and accountability. Midnight snacks from Balaji and a playful "head, shoulders, knees, and toes" game added a fun twist to the late-night hacking sessions. The day began with a hearty breakfast, followed by workshops from partners Postman, MLH, and Logitech. Orkes took the stage to showcase their product, inspiring participants with its potential.

The second checkpoint prompted teams to submit their GitHub repos and select relevant partner tracks. Another round of mentoring focused on project implementation, preparing teams for the challenges ahead. Lunch provided a much-needed break, followed by mini-events from partners Orkes, Vonage, and MLH. Participants enjoyed light snacks and high tea as the day drew to a close while Orkes offered office hours at their booth. The evening concluded with the final mentorship round, providing teams with valuable feedback and guidance.

Day 3: Celebrating Innovation and Achievement

As the hackathon entered its final hours, teams worked tirelessly to put the finishing touches on their projects. The third checkpoint marked the last opportunity to ensure completeness. Midnight snacks and a coloring mini-event provided a brief respite from the intensity of hacking. Soft submission approached, and at 8 am, hacking officially concluded. Participants enjoyed a well-deserved breakfast before the judging process began.

The final lunch was a chance to relax and reflect on the journey. The top 10 teams were announced, and each had the opportunity to pitch their ideas on stage. The tension reached its peak as the final winners were judged and declared. The Closing Ceremony was a bittersweet moment as participants bid farewell to each other, capturing the memories of an unforgettable experience.

Beyond Hacking: A World of Experience

In addition to the hacking activities, Hack This Fall 2024 offered a diverse array of amenities and attractions to enhance the overall experience for participants. The event catered to various needs and interests, from comfortable sleeping areas providing a retreat for rest between coding sessions to engaging sponsor booths facilitating interactions with industry professionals and showcasing innovative products.

Fuel stations equipped with coffee machines ensured that participants remained energized and focused throughout the hackathon, while the fun-game corner provided a welcome opportunity for relaxation and socialization with board games, foosball, table tennis, carrom, etc. Creative expression flourished at the photo booths and doodle booths, allowing participants to capture memories and unleash their artistic flair. Excitement buzzed with the announcement of numerous giveaways, adding an element of anticipation and reward to the event. Collectively, these offerings went beyond hacking to create a vibrant and enriching experience for all involved in Hack This Fall 2024.

Conclusion: A Legacy of Innovation and Collaboration

As we bid adieu to Hack This Fall 2024, we reflect on the remarkable journey of innovation, collaboration, and camaraderie that defined this extraordinary event. From the vibrant exchanges during check-in to the jubilant celebrations at the closing ceremony, every moment was a testament to the power of community and creativity. With 132 projects created, countless connections made, and memories to last a lifetime, Hack This Fall 2024 will be remembered as a beacon of innovation and a celebration of human ingenuity. As we look forward to future editions of this incredible event, we invite you to join us on a journey of innovation, collaboration, and endless possibilities.

Happy Hacking! 🧡

Author:Siddharth DayalwalOrganizer, Hack This Fall Hack This Fall Logo
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